A Woman's World

Archive for the ‘Friendships’ Category

This is for the girls who have the tendency to stay up all night listening to music that reminds them of their current situation. Who hide their fears, hurt, pain and tears under their smiles and laughs all on a daily basis. The girls who wear their hearts on their sleeve. The girls who pray things will workout just once and they’ll be satisfied. The girls who scream and cry into their pillows because the rest of the world fails to listen. The girls who have it hard but don’t let anyone know that. The girls who may never have it easy. The girls who have so many secrets but will never tell a soul. The girls who have regrets and mistakes as a daily moral. The girls who don’t always win, who may never win. The girls who stay up all night thinking about that one boy wondering if he’ll ever notice her. The girls who get what they get and don’t throw a fit. The girls who take life as it comes, hoping it’ll get easier somewhere down the road. The girls who love with all their hearts but always get broken. This is for the real girls. This is for you.

When a person is hurt by someone they love and care about, it is difficult for them to open up again and bring trust back into their future relationships and friendships.  You want to stay emotionally blocked to avoid from being hurt.  You want to love, but you approach the feeling with caution out of fear.  Is it possible to open up to someone and still keep your feelings protected?  It is… and here are some ways on how to do it.

1. Realization. Realize that anyone can hurt you, just like you can hurt anyone.  Do you remember the last time you hurt someone?  Weren’t you apologetic afterwards?  Didn’t you wish you could take it back?  When others hurt you, realize that they are just like you… human.  When you hurt them, it was probably unintentional.  It may have been the same thing with them.

2. Preparation. Prepare yourself for the worst.  Be prepared to get hurt.  Don’t just assume that the person WILL hurt you, but at least if they do, you were prepared for it.  Knowing someone for years or being in love with them won’t prevent the hurt.

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I heard all the roommate stories before I started college.  The majority of them weren’t even that bad, and being as though I had been staying in a dorm since my junior year in high school, I kind of knew what to expect when I started my freshmen year.  I had a few roommates who I didn’t get along with, and I had a few roommates who, still to this day, we are still friends.  I honestly believe, however, that I received the worst possible roommate I could ever have… and after that, I was prepared for everything else.

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I figured my next blog should be for the freshmen who are headed to college.  Summer is coming to a close, and everyone is getting ready to head back to school.  However, the freshmen class of 2014 has something to look forward to this year, because they’ll be heading into a new realm of life.  As everyone says, “this will be the time of their life,” where they’ll make long-lasting friendships, pull all-nighters, stay out late, and even meet a new love interest.  But colleges don’t really give you too much scoop on their dorms, do they?  I know when I was going into my freshmen year of college, they didn’t.  I only knew the name of the building and where it was located on campus.  Living on-campus can add a lot to the college experience, and it gives college students the opportunity to live with other people who are coming from all different backgrounds.  Word of advice… expect the best, but prepare for the worst.  Here’s some information I found that may helpful to all of the freshmen out there.

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After dating every kind of man out there, I’ve realized something… men will NEVER understand what we go through.  Why?  Well, it’s simple… because we are women and they aren’t.  Men and women will never be able to communicate successfully, and we will never fully understand each other.  So I want you to take a look at the four things, I believe, men will never understand about women.

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I went to church this morning, and I was extremely blessed by the message.  I took notes on it and just thought I’d share it with the rest of you.  The topic… relationships and friendships.

Is your approach to a relationship or friendship free from the past?

  • 1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that fearth is not made perfect in love.

What this means is that if fear dominates the relationship or friendship, you are not made perfect to love that person.  Put the confidence of God in your situation.  Clichés like “time heals all wounds” are NOT TRUE.  Time doesn’t heal anything.  Don’t delay what you want to say because hope deferred makes the heart sick.

  • Proverbs 13:12 – Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

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I know this can be a touchy subject, but I wanted to voice my opinion on it anyways.  You can comment where need be.  So I think dating your friend’s ex is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.  I know sometimes we are unable to turn an attraction to someone off like a light switch, but come on… you’re friend’s ex?  In my opinion, this is a line that should never be crossed.  Sure, you can SILENTLY be attracted to your friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend [if you’re a guy], but when/if they break-up doesn’t give you the okay to pursue the person.  I think it is extremely disrespectful.  Just because you’re attracted to the person doesn’t mean you need to act on that feeling. 

 Let’s give an example, and this can go for both men and women.  You’re friend is dating this person who you believe:

  1. is EXTREMELY attractive
  2. deserves better because your friend just isn’t doing their job, in your opinion
  3. is your type

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I can say from the experiences I have had with men and women that it is hard for me to trust people nowadays.  For a lot of people, it’s very easy to learn to trust people, and for others… not so much.  Personally, I never had a problem with trusting people.  I was always open to meeting new people and I would trust them right away because… well, I had no reason not to, which in the end, ended up being a mistake anyways.  But I can say I’ve learned from my mistakes.

We all meet someone new and from the beginning, you feel comfortable around this person.  It could be a man or a woman, a friend or a potential significant other.  When the conversation is flowing and you can laugh with this person, your guard slowly deteriorates and you feel that a relationship could potentially blossom.  They’re funny, they’re friendly, and they LISTEN.  All the things you’ve always wanted in a friend, and as they begin to share their stories about their past, present and future, you begin to open up too.

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So speaking for myself, apologizing is a hard thing to do, especially when you feel the person you’re apologizing to owes you an apology as well, and you haven’t received one yet.  But KNOW THIS… when it’s all said and done, it’s not about you.  After doing some research on the internet, I came across a book by Beverly Engel called The Power of Apology.  In the book, I saw a quote that fit well to what I’m about to say.  She stated, “Some people may see apologizing as a pride thing—a sign of weakness.  They think it will hurt them in some way, but if you don’t acknowledge the offense, it can be insulting for the other person.”  Remember that even though you may not agree with the fact that you are apologizing, apologies are healing.  They give each person the opportunity to forgive and it will help mend the relationship. 

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So I know you remember when Sandra Bullock won the highest award for a female actor at the Oscars and THEN suffered a blow to the heart and to her marriage when she learned that husband, Jesse James, was cheating on her.  I, too, have been cheated on by men, and it raises the question of how we, in our own blessed and private lives, can best deal with life’s worst disappointments, whether it’s heartbreak, a death, or even a lost friendship.  Here are eight things to think about when you’re going through a rough time.

This isn’t the GREATEST pick-me-up advice you might have been expecting.  The culture of human beings is so focused on the “picking yourself up and brushing yourself off” concept, that the importance of mourning gets overlooked.  If you pour your time and heart into anything that goes nowhere, it’s unrealistic to think you’ll be able to shrug your shoulders and go out for an ice cream cone without truly being affected by the outcome.  Sit with that disappointment.  Cry.  Mourn what could have been.  Wail to your girlfriends [or anyone who is willing to listen].  Letting it out is the only way you’ll be able to accept the result and truly move on.  Set a time limit appropriate to the disappointment, whether that be a day or a month, to help you pack up your regrets and get on with living.  Life is too short.

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