A Woman's World

Be Inspired

Posted on: August 22, 2010

I went to church this morning, and I was extremely blessed by the message.  I took notes on it and just thought I’d share it with the rest of you.  The topic… relationships and friendships.

Is your approach to a relationship or friendship free from the past?

  • 1 John 4:18 – There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment.  He that fearth is not made perfect in love.

What this means is that if fear dominates the relationship or friendship, you are not made perfect to love that person.  Put the confidence of God in your situation.  Clichés like “time heals all wounds” are NOT TRUE.  Time doesn’t heal anything.  Don’t delay what you want to say because hope deferred makes the heart sick.

  • Proverbs 13:12 – Hope deferred maketh the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

This simply means that if the commitment isn’t reconciled, there is no hope and love.  The enemy has a perfect memory when it comes to accusation.  Deal with your problems in the “now” instead of the “later.”  Humans are great procrastinators in trying to reconcile relationships or friendships.  ALWAYS state exactly what’s bothering you.  Don’t “beat around the bush,” just stay on the topic at hand.  In every relationship and/or friendship, 93% of communication is non-verbal and 7% of communication is verbal.  Take one item that is bothering you and focus on that item.  Everything will be restored as the problem is discussed because everything will begin to come to the surface.

  • Hebrews 12:12 – Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees

If you have bitterness still gripping your heart, the problem can pop up at the worst times.  The quicker the problem is dealt with, the less bitterness will consume your life.

Stick to the subject at hand.

Make the main thing the MAIN THING.  If we can win in one area, we can win in all areas.  Make sacrifices.  Stop “dying to be right,” and take the walls of defense down and listen.  Like I’ve said before, communication is key!  The goal is not to win, but to HEAL, so be a listener.

Avoid generalities.

Stay away from “always,” and “never.”  When you hear the words “always” or “never,” it’s a turn off.  When they’re said, no one wants to listen, therefore the problem remains unresolved.  You can’t clear the air with general statements.

Avoid personal insult and characteristics.

 If you use words that add insult to injury, the problem won’t be resolved.  Keep a positive atmosphere around the conversation.  If all the focus about a person is negative, it won’t come out right.  Come off sounding the opposite of what you mean and COOPERATE.  You won’t receive any benefits unless you learn how to cooperate with each other.

Listen to learn.

 Don’t just listen to hear what’s being said, but consider what’s being said and learn from what’s being said.  Go into the situation wanting to resolve the problem instead of just “pointing fingers.”

I know this is probably things you already know or have already read in some of my previous posts, or even on other blogs, but service this morning truly spoke to me, and many of the things that was said, I already knew too, but it never hurts to be reminded.  I hope this touched some of you.  Have a blessed day! ❤


Proverbs 17:9 – He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.

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